Friday, April 24, 2009

Tis the Season!!!-april 24th blog

I love the smell of fresh air and garage sale signs! Once the warm weather hits, it is time for the spring cleaning. Which means it is time for one person's junk to become another person's treasure. I drive through different towns on my way to work I see loads of signs, which are all pointing to very different sales. I absolutely love garage saling in the summer (I got that gene from my mother). Our weekends are filled with hours and hours of going around looking for the small neon signs (that are pointing us the wrong way half the time) and finding great deals.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Hope it Lasts--Blog for April 10th

Yesterday, I was wondering why we have been having such bad luck with weather. Sunny and 45 degrees one day and 32 degrees and snowing the next day! It just seemed crazy to me. Then the answer popped into my mind...Somehow, the people on this planet (or mainly the Minnesotans) made Mother Nature VERY angry, so she punished us by giving us the crappiest weather I've ever seen in my 19 years of living. The main question is, what the heck did we do to make her that mad? I still don't have, even the slightest, answer to this question. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Because I want to fix whatever it is we did, so we can keep Ms. Mother Nature extremely happy from this day forward!