Monday, May 4, 2009

This Semester (Blog for May 8th)

I took a journalism class with professor broderick last semester. And like that class I really enjoyed this one. It was kind of confusing at time because we didn't have a set schedule on what we were supposed to do each week. My other online classes gave us specific assignments to do each week, and I think that is very important with an online class. It's probably more important to people who don't teach themselves very easily and online classes are slightly harder for them. That is the main thing that I had trouble with in this class. I liked how we had the freedom to basically blog about what we wanted to do. And I also liked how we were introduced to I actually used for my web design class to. I had to teach the other students about a useful website we discovered and I picked that one. The other thing that I had a tough time with was the lack of professor interaction. But on professor broderick behalf he did have computer problems, so I understand that. I also liked how we got to do that free small learning class that we had to do at the beginning of the semester. All in all I liked the class I will definately be taking other classes that professor broderick teaches. Whether it is online or on campus professor broderick is a good teacher and knows a lot journalism.