Monday, February 16, 2009

City Hall.. It's a "wonderful" place!

Last year was my senior year of high school, and for our government class one of the projects we had to do was go to City Hall and sit-in on one of their meetings. When I first thought about it I thought it could be a fun thing to do. But once I got there I knew my thoughts were all wrong. Big Lake's City Hall is located right smack-dag in the middle of town and everyone knows where it is. Even my ten-year-old sister knows where it is. You wouldn't know that by how many people were at the meeting that night. Including the "elected officials" there was about 15 people, which was mainly the counsel and my classmates. Besides the lack of people, the "comfort" meter was down too. As soon as you walk in you feel the cold temperature. It was the middle of winter and there thermostat was probably set at 50 degrees, if that! The room itself wasn't much to cheer about either. The paint was chipping and peeling off, carpet stained in every place I looked, the chair seats had rips and tears, and there was a very disturbing odor that just wouldn't go away. So let's just say the hour I had to spend in that place wasn't my best moments. And to be completely honest I don't really remember the issues they talked about, I think I was too busy trying to stay warm while plugging my nose at the same time, but I'm sure they were important.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The people of Big Lake don't really care about their community or what goes on in it. That was proven at that meeting when only a hand-full of people showed up to vote and discuss projects, events, and policies that could change the way we live today and the way we could live tomorrow.